Indocare Goes to Campus: The Young Talents Hunt Continues!

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Indocare Goes to Campus is back! After series of success in various universities in greater Jakarta area, this time we were going back to some of our favorite place in Depok, University of Indonesia and Pancasila University.

The events were held on August 8th and 15th 2018 went successfully. As usual, the participants were filled with enthusiasm as they found the sessions greatly useful for them who are about to enter the working world. A series of psychotests and interviews were done in order to assess the participants’ characters, interests and talents. The event also continued with an interactive sharing knowledge titled “Tips Memilih Pekerjaan” to guide the participants in selecting and deciding what kind of job that they wish to pursue and what really suits them best. Merchandises and Free Bone Health Checks were also given as our tokens of appreciation for the students’ participations.

See you on next Indocare Goes to Campus!