Indocare Goes to Campus: The Last Stops in 2018

1 minute reading

To complete our series of successful Campus Hiring events in 2018, Indocare Goes to Campus went to Krida Wacana University (UKRIDA) on October 5 2018 and Bunda Mulia University (UBM) on November 29 2018.

The event started with company introduction in order to find out more about PT Indocare Citrapasific and its business. Soon after that, series of psycho tests and interviews were given so that the participants can get to know more about their personalities, talents, and interests. The event continued with an interactive sharing knowledge titled Tips Sukses Interview to help the participants who are mainly soon-to-be graduates acing interview sessions that they will face in the future. The event was also completed with a free bone health check, especially for the event participants.